Welcome to SoundGateLibrary.com We deliver sounds.
Our Free Sound Fx Library gives you an opportunity, to listen and check the quality of the sound libraries we release, with your own ears. Files are royalty-free, and of course, you can use them in any of your projects, both commercial and non-commercial. These are for you.
We’ve chosen a couple of sounds from each of our first four libraries released so far: SPAIN - Valenzia and Gandia, POLAND - Warsaw, Sounds of Oman, Virgin Forest, Cameras and Pick it Up and Put it Down.
The library consists of 48 wave files all @ 96kHz/24bit, over 10GB!
The sounds selected from our Ambisonic Libraries: SPAIN - Valenzia and Gandia, POLAND - Warsaw, Virgin Forest, Sounds of Oman - come in a variety of formats:
Ambisonics FUMA, Ambisonics AMBIX B, 5.1 and of course Stereo.
The Pick it Up and Put it Down sounds as well as the Cameras sounds come in mono.
48files @ 96kHz/24bit it's over 10GB of data!
Download complete list of sounds here .
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