This END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement) is entered between You, a single user natural person the “Licensee”, who has purchased one or more sound effect libraries, and, SoundGate Michal Jaroszewicz, Dunikowskiego 3m26 02-784 Warsaw, Poland, the "Licensor". Throughout this Agreement, it has been agreed upon that the licensee, a single user natural person purchased at least one sound effect library from the licensor who is also regarded as the distributor and the creator of these sound effect libraries.
This Agreement governs the synchronization of the purchased sound effects from the library. Therefore, any usage of the licensed material by multiple individuals and/or organizations or entities is strictly prohibited.
In order to obtain a multi-use license, please do not hesitate to contact us on: support@soundgatelibrary.com. By agreeing to the terms and conditions stated below or by purchasing any content from the website www.soundgatelibrary.com, the licensee agrees to be bound by this Agreement and its contents.